Who knows how and should you are suppose to act when you are not with your child's father. I want my son to grow up in a loving and wonderfully compassionate so I will try and foster that in any way possible. So when he brought home his "father's day" craft that he made at school he said that it was for Bobby, my boyfriend. I could however, tell that something was wrong. I poked and prodded for a moment, asking him what was the matter. He said well I guess I still would like to have something to give my dad for Father's Day. OK. So kicked creative juices in gear, I had a canvas already handy and of course I already have a cabinet stocked full of paint. All I needed to do was cut the words DAD from my Silhouette. Which I did using Contact paper, love that stuff and it's so very cheap (amazing -rather than vinyl). So here is what we did...
dab Dab DAB
Finished Project!!
dab Dab DAB
Finished Project!!
So this is what we ended up with. Not too shabby for something we ended up with after only having 2 hours to complete! Maybe next year I'll remember that my baby does have an extremely LARGE heart!