The questions for this month are below!
Here are this month's questions:
1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it.
At the moment I am reading a couple different ones:

Funny girl is about a woman who is finding her way through social climbing as she goes from a beauty queen straight to an actress when things like that didn't happen. It is all about her trials that she must go through as well as the people in Sophie's life as well.
I've just started Go Set a Watchman so hopefully I can add more at a later date!
2. What book reminds you of summertime as a kid?
OMG - Sweet Valley Twins. That is the only thing I can really remember about being a kid and reading - I loved the.
3. What book did you have on your summer reading list that truly nailed it as a summer reading favorite?
Summer Reading essential for me this year was The Sound of Glass - It was completely AMAZING. It unfolded slowly, but I actually listened to this one as my husband and I were driving down to the low country (the setting of the book) and we both enjoyed it immensely!
4. Who is your favorite author and why? Give us your top recommendation by them.
I was turned onto Kate Morton and she is probably one of my favorite people to read, but I just recently picked up with Diana Gabaldon and I LOVE Outlander
5. Fall Book Reading lists are starting to make their appearances. What are you excited to read that's being released this fall?
Well, I know I just mentioned that I love this author through everything I've read- So I suppose I am very excited to be reading her newest, the Lake House this coming fall (October to be exact) I will look into my reading list again after I start back to school, just enjoying the rest of my summer list at the moment!