Hey - I'm here again to link up with Literary Junkies. Here's what's been going on since I've been kind of MIA from here lately!
1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it.

I am currently reading two - almost done with The Daring Ladies of Lowell. I have loved this book so far! It is historical fiction with some trueness to it, I love the murder case that this little town and how the people are dealing with the big corporation in which most of the townspeople work at.
The Vacationers has been one I've had a hard time getting through, mainly because I got it on audio, and I can't listen to basically any of it in the car, since it is very profane and has a lot of dry witty humor that I don't want my 8-year-old to walk away with! I do like the story line. About a family who are vacationing in the Mallorca and you know when you get all your friends and family together there has to be reaching of understandings and getting to the bottom of things that you put to the side in your everyday life.
2. There are a ton of movies coming out soon that were based off of books. Are there any you’re particularly excited to see?
I am of course excited to see Gone Girl.
I am also excited about Far From the Madding Crowd!
3. With fall finally here for some of us, are there any books that you’re particularly looking forward to reading in the season of big sweaters, blankets and hot chocolate?
I am just looking forward to my couch - I just picked up the Devil in the White City, excited about this serial killer book right before Halloween time!

4. We only have 3.5 months left of 2014. Did you participate in any reading challenges? How are you doing?I am just looking forward to my couch - I just picked up the Devil in the White City, excited about this serial killer book right before Halloween time!

My goal for this year was 50 books by the end of the year and according to GoodReads I am at 42 and 7 books ahead of schedule, but that's ok, since I normally slow down during the school year, too much time writing lesson plans and grading papers!
Best book I've read was probably the Husband Secret or Longbourn. Two comletely different books, I think I will always like books like Longbourn - especially when Downton isn't on the TV (I think I get withdraws).
So that's it for September. You should find me on Goodreads.
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